I’ve been reading a book lately that I highly recommend.
It’s called The Rare Jewel of Christian
Contentment, written by Jeremiah Burroughs, who was a minister in England
in the 1600’s. I have found this book to be convicting, yet at the same time
encouraging. It has taught me much about contentment, and today I’d like to
share a couple of the things that have stood out to me.
First, let me say that this book has caused me to examine my
heart in a number of areas. One of the things I have found there is a covetousness
of others’ gifts, strengths, and successes. The most prominent ones are
physical capabilities that I no longer have. Seeing the strength and fitness of
others can tend to make me turn inward to what I do not have. This is sinful
self-focus, and must be put to death. Burroughs shares insight here. To
paraphrase what he says, “Well, they may have something I’ll never have, but I can have something they may never have:
Contentment is rare indeed, and very few people really have it.
But the Lord has promised that we believers can have contentment, if we will
only practice it. So, when I hear of others’ trail hiking and long walks, I will
think on my wonderful Christ who loves me, who saved me, and who is preparing a
home for me right now, where I will have no pain. These thoughts will bring me
to that place of contentment, where I truly believe that all I need is mine.
Another great blessing I received from this book is the
instruction to examine my expectations. As I strive to change or improve some
aspect of my physical problem, I am often disappointed as it actually becomes
worse, or stays the same, after an expenditure of time, energy, or other
resources. In these times, Burroughs reminds us to check our expectations. What
has God truly promised? After all, only the promises of God can truly be
counted on to come to pass. When I base my hopes or expectations on something
else, I am setting myself up for disappointment. If I know that that
disappointment will lead to sinful self-pity, then I am really setting up my
own stumbling block! Based on this wisdom, I will look at my expectations
through the lens of Scripture instead of the latest ad or medical study.
The overall tone of the book is one of great reverence and
love for God. It urges us to see that our afflictions are actually gifts of
God, to teach us to be content with such things as we have. In fact, the
opening Scripture of the book is Philippians 4:11: I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content. Oh,
beloved, can we reach this state? Our great apostle Paul proves that we can.
But in order to do so, we must believe that our Sovereign God loves us, and
wants us to have the greatest gift available to us: Contentment! Can you
imagine a more pleasant state in which to live? If we had true contentment
based simply and solely on God’s great, eternal love, nothing else would
matter. That contentment would trump any trial, and would keep our eyes firmly
locked on heaven.
I’ll close with the context of Burroughs’s theme verse for
his book, Philippians 4:11-13. Meditate on this passage, and ask the Lord to
grant you this gift of contentment.
Not that I speak in
regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content: I
know how to be abased, and I know how to abound. Everywhere and in all things I
have learned both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer
need. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.