Are you in unfamiliar territory today? Is there a new
pain or symptom that has you anxious, and fearful of the unknown? Perhaps you
sense a flare-up of a chronic condition, and you dread the suffering it will
bring. Maybe you've finally gotten to a place of peace with your
disability as your “new normal,” and lately it seems worse. How will you
manage? How will you get through it if your condition decides to rev up its
attack on your body? All these thoughts and fears can lead to anxiety if we are
not careful with our thinking. It is vital that we think biblically in these
Psalm 34 is one of my favorite Psalms of David. The subtitle
says that it was written “when he pretended madness before Abimelech, who drove
him away.” According to my study Bible, “Abimelech” is a term for a king or
royalty. David had already run away from Saul, who was trying to kill him. He
ran to King Achish of the Philistines, but Achish, knowing that David was a
great warrior and king, wanted nothing to do with him. So, having run in terror
from one frightening enemy, David found himself in the hands of another threat.
As we battle our bodies, we may find ourselves in a similar place emotionally.
Just when we think we've escaped one terror, we find ourselves
in another; only this time, we may be in unfamiliar territory. If we are
dealing with something new, we may have no idea how to proceed.
As I read Psalm 34, I thought of how crazy I get sometimes,
dealing with the ups and downs of chronic pain. No need to pretend here! I
often feel like I will lose my mind if one more thing happens! I wonder if
David was a little crazy himself. Maybe it wasn't such a stretch for
him to convince those people that he was crazy. Fear can do that to a
person, and that is what David was: A person, just like you and me. If David
actually did go insane, it must have been only for a moment, because when it
was all over and he sat down to pen this Psalm, he wrote:
"I sought the LORD, and He heard me,
And delivered me from all my fears."
David had a lot to be afraid of, but he says that the Lord
delivered him from ALL his fears! Note that he doesn't say that the
Lord delivered him from the things he was afraid of. He had many
frightening dealings with Saul and others (1 Samuel 17,18 &
19). God did not remove David’s fearful enemies, but David knew that He was
able to deliver him from the fear of those things. Like David, we may
be tempted to fear the powerful forces that threaten us, but we do not have to
give in to that fear. The Lord can take the teeth out of the scariest of
beasts, and give us peace as we face the trial.
David spent much time in strange lands over the course of
his life. He was often in danger unfamiliar territory, and we who suffer trials
can glean much encouragement from his writing:
"The angel of the Lord encamps all around those who
fear Him,
And delivers them."
I love that word, "encamps". Our God knows that we
are in unfamiliar territory wherever we go in this world, and that includes new
pain, new symptoms, and new disease. No matter where this trial takes us, he
will pull up stakes and go with us. In fact, our awesome God goes BEFORE us in
this wilderness journey (Deut. 31:8)! We are always "camping" in this
world, because it is not our home. But He is especially attentive to us when we
are hurting, broken, or fearful along the way (Hebrews 4:16; 9:9; 23:4; 46:1-3;
119:50; 120:1 Psalm 147:3).
So, my dear suffering friend, rest assured that your God is
near to you wherever you are. I have a friend who winters in a warmer state,
and found out just after arriving there that she had an aggressive cancer and
would have to begin her treatment there. She is far from her home and her
church, but not from her God! She sends us frequent praise reports about how
faithful and good God has been to her. She is an inspiration to me—in fact, she
inspired this blog post! I hope that you and I, as we face various threats to
our physical bodies, can imitate David and my friend by trusting God and
sharing with others His blessings and goodness. The territory may be new and
unfamiliar, but Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews
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